Friday, 21 November 2014

She wanted to feel it again
maybe it was time to let go
Time to move on
Time for a new beginning or no...
Not sure
That feeling of new adventures was growing inside her
E o friozinho na barriga voltou
She wanted him to show more interest, 
to be more enthusiastic
To want more and be more
She wanted more
More from him, more from her
She wanted new things and thought that maybe they could grow together but that never seemed to happen.
She was always kind of taking a step back.
She was able to get involved and enjoy but he seemed never to want that, maybe he wanted to move on but didn't know how. It seemed that everything was harder for him and she didn't really understand that. She kept going but she was getting tired of being pulled back. Tired of not getting anything back from him. She thought she was the only one making an effort for things to work out, to make him happy. She really was getting tired of not receiving anything back at all. No efforts, no interest and she was also getting tired of always having to impress and to prove she was good and interesting, trying to make it all work out, but always by herself.  She wondered if it was the same with others. Maybe she had accustomed him to be that way. It was getting to a point where she wasn't going to stand it for very long...
She wanted someone to woo her, to make her feel loved and special. She wanted to feel desired and wanted someone to take initiative and all that. Maybe she needed to be alone for a while, travel and meet new people.
If only he showed some kind of interest, she could stay longer dedicating herself but the tiredness of not being reciprocated was growing and growing. She wasn't  going to feel sad, oh no! She would go and persue her wishes and dreams and if he wasn't going to follow her then oh well!'s just truth she wanted to follow him but he wasn't going anywhere and it seemed that if he was, he wasn't taking her with him so she decided not to wait any longer and decided to fly with her own wings and go as high as she possibly could and be happy.

Sunday, 16 November 2014

Andava no parque e vi um esquilo
Ele me olhou e piscou
Olhei pro lado e ele deu dois passos e depois começou a assobiar, fiquei olhando pra'quilo
Sem pensar beijei o esquilo
Ele ficou vermelho e saiu saltitando
E eu continuei andando.

Sunday, 9 November 2014

Ela queria voar
Subiu na árvore mais alta e pulou
Ela voou.
Voava cada vez mais alto e o vento batia gostoso nos seus cabelos
Ela abria e fechava os braços como se fossem asas e voava...voava em circulos..dava pirueta..nadava entre as nuvens..e o sorriso não deixava seu rosto, seus olhos brilhavam de emoção..gosto de gratidão
voou baixo e tocou o chão
Voou alto pra imensidão
Gargalhava sem se controlar
Ela só queria voar
Seu coração batia disparado
Por essa sensação tão esperada
Finalmente ela voava
Voou pelos sete cantos do mundo
Viu com encanto as belezas do universo...Deitou com as despertou e voou ao inverso...o processo da partida demorou mas enfim ela voou e nunca mais parou.

Thursday, 6 November 2014

Mariana andava
Andava pela rua
Mariana olhava
Olhinhos de lua
Mariana sorria
Linda e toda nua
Seus olhos viam o presente
Seus ouvidos, ouviam o passado
Era sempre sorridente e amava frango assado.

Monday, 3 November 2014

Hey you
Make me stew
na panela de pressão
Sai rapidão
Vaiii pleasee
I've hurt my back
I'm stuck in bed
I just want a snack
Now, Can you
Bring me stew?
Juicy and rich too
Just like mothers do?
Think this through
You better make two
And I'll share with you
You know I'd kill for stew
That much is true
So bring me stew
And I won't hurt you.