Saturday, 11 June 2016

Pensamento embaralhado
Barulho mental
Blank page
Is it a cage?
Or maybe a stage?
Can't quite tell
What if I yell?
Will I know the difference?
What is the reference?
Aren't they all the same?
Maybe different names
It's just a game
And some people
Go insane
But there's no use
No need to shout
They are already on
On what they are on about
No need to protest
They've already passed
Their laws of interest
It's all an illusion
To create confusion
To make you think
You have a choice
But really
You have no voice

Monday, 6 June 2016

de picada
De inseto
No queixo
No peito
Me deito
Na cama
De grama
Me pica
Na barriga
Os bicho
Me ama

Sunday, 5 June 2016

Tarde de sol

Amelia chegou no parque
Deitou-se ao sol
Vitamina D pura
Sentia os raios solares
Tocar sua derme
Absorvia tudo
Tantos meses sem...
Sentia o calor finalmente
Via o suco de cenoura
Sua pele à dourar
Um dourado espetacular
Ficou lá de bobeira
A tarde inteira
A se bronzear